PCOS & Saw Palmetto

PCOS & Saw Palmetto
Saw Palmetto is a type of palm tree that is native to North America. The berries of the Saw Palmetto tree have been used for centuries by Native Americans for their medicinal properties. Today, saw palmetto is sold as a dietary supplement and is said to help with a variety of conditions, including PCOS.

It’s not entirely clear how Saw Palmetto works, but it’s thought to block the production of certain hormones involved in PCOS. In particular, Saw Palmetto may help reduce levels of testosterone, a hormone that can be elevated in women with PCOS. Testosterone plays a role in ovulation, so reducing testosterone levels may help regulate the menstrual cycle and improve fertility in women with PCOS.

Saw Palmetto may also have anti-inflammatory effects and improve insulin sensitivity, both of which are associated with PCOS.

There is some evidence to suggest that Saw Palmetto can help reduce symptoms of PCOS. One study found that women who took Saw Palmetto for six months had significant improvements in hirsutism (excessive hair growth), acne, and menstrual regularity compared to those who did not take the supplement.

Another study found that Saw Palmetto was as effective as the oral contraceptive pill in reducing hirsutism and improving menstrual regularity in women with PCOS. However, this study did not find any improvement in acne or insulin resistance with Saw Palmetto.

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment approach for PCOS, but some women may find relief from symptoms by taking Saw Palmetto. Saw Palmetto is generally considered safe when taken by mouth for up to two years; however, it may interact with certain medications and should be used only under the supervision of a healthcare provider.